lørdag 15. mars 2014

Nearly done with second semester!

at the moment I am bed ridden, sick with self diagnosed influenza...this could not have come at a worse time as it is the end of second semester and there is a lot to get through [prayers would be appreciated], but things have been good lately, God has shown me a lot of his character through Joshua and judges especially, and I just see how mush he has always been the same, God had the character of Jesus in the OT as well, because God is Jesus and Jesus is God.
A big thing in my life happened this week! ...so for our psalms assignments we have been journalling psalms every week and once a month we have had a creative assignment were we have presented something creative inspired by the psalms, a lot of us made several song, so our school leader decided to send us to a recording studio to record a CD that would raise money to help people from the pacific islands be able to do SBS. we recorded demos on friday and went to one of Australia's best studios on tuesday to record, it was so much fun! So I have two of my own songs on there and I'm backing on another song, we were all together 6 girls recording and the CD will be out on itunes in a couple of weeks! so please by it, it goes to a really good cause! this was really fun for me to do, never expected an opportunity like this to come knocking, and I got a lot of good feedback which was encouraging!
other than that, I am exited to have a little vacation in two weeks, it will be good to rest my brain a little, so I will be going down to the Gold Coast to visit family and then down to Sydney to visit my friend Lisa :)
thank you all for your prayers and support!
grace and peace <3

[btw. this is the link for the studio we recorded at: http://www.heliportstudios.com/ ]

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